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Day 15 Donna A Real Super Nurse

Writer's picture: Cara SouthgateCara Southgate

Donna is one of our fantastic Community Hospital matrons. She has the additional challenge of covering two hospitals over two sites although she does have the advantage of both her hospitals being in beautiful parts of Dorset.

Here is Donna’s story

Trying to avoid the ‘helping people’ quote Donna says she became a nurse because she realised that she like people. When Donna applied nursing was a very valued career with a lot of public support. A career that involved working with some fantastic caring people and the general public offered me the ideal opportunity.

Donna trained at Southampton University School of Nursing in the 80s complete with big hair and a uniform that involved a hat that wouldn’t stay on, the belts that you earnt as you progressed each year and the obligatory nurses cape! A real super nurse.

Donna considers herself lucky to be in her dream job but if she could make a change it would be spend more time with patients.

I asked Donna what has been your highlight of career so far?

‘This changes depending on when you ask me as there have been so many from watching my team develop into a tight unit that despite many challenges still offer exceptional care, to achieving awards in recognition of work done i.e. GSF accreditation, to watching a junior member of staff develop into a brilliant ward Sister and being credited with inspiring them.’

When describing the challenges Donna said it is leading teams through the many changes that have happened in my 35 year career and the changing attitude of the public to the NHS, whilst many patients are very supportive of the NHS managing expectations is a real challenge.'

What is the daily life of a Matron like?

‘No two days are ever the same! What keeps me on my toes is I can be dealing with staffing issues one minute then a relative’s enquiry to dealing with fuel spillage in the car park!!’

What would you tell a future matron?

Don’t let your e mails bog you down, you are more effective when you are out in the hospital than you would ever be behind a desk.'

Very well said Donna.

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